Different ways to processing large CSV file in Ruby
Processing large files in Ruby depends on so many factors that it is impossible to present all combinations of solutions. Therefore, I decided to do an analysis of the different parts of the solutions. I believe that everyone will choose what best suits the real case.
Introduction to problem
Recently, in the project, we added a new column to the users table related to the last seen date. The mechanism for completing this field while using the application has also been added. However, not all users are so active. We want to backfill this column with dates. The necessary data is available from another source (possibly Snowflake). Anyway, they can be exported to a CSV file. This file has over 16 million records. It shows the scale of the challenge.
Measure memory usage and time speed
For measuring and printing the memory used and time spent, I used similar methods as Dalibor Nasevic in the article “Processing large CSV files with Ruby”.
require 'benchmark'
def print_memory_usage
memory_command = "ps -o rss= -p #{Process.pid}"
memory_before = %x(#{memory_command}).to_i
memory_after = %x(#{memory_command}).to_i
puts "Memory: #{((memory_after - memory_before) / 1024.0).round(2)} MB"
def print_time_spent(&block)
time = Benchmark.realtime(&block)
puts "Time: #{time.round(2)}"
print_memory_usage do
print_time_spent do
Is RSS column from ps command enough?
RSS is Resident Set Size, and this is the size of memory that the process is currently using to load (on all pages of memory). It means that shared libraries that need to be loaded only once will be counted for each process separately. So we get a pessimistic value of memory usage.
First implementation
We have a big CSV file whose structure looks like this:
Due to the fact that we are working with over 16M users, we have decided to minimize the memory consumption as much as possible. The above-mentioned article by Dalibor Nasevic helped with choosing the way of implementation. For each line in the CSV file, we parsed the data, looked for the appropriate record in the database, and updated its value. Code in Ruby on Rails might look something like this:
CSV.foreach('user_last_visits.csv', headers: true).with_index do |row, index|
last_visit_at = Date.parse(row['last_visit_at'])
user_id = row['user_id'].to_i
user = User.find_by(id: user_id, last_seen_on: nil)
user.update_columns(last_seen_on: last_visit_at) if user
Memory consumption is low (a few MB). However, the code works sequentially, step by step. We have achieved low memory consumption at the expense of speed.
Different ways of load data
Let’s check the memory consumption and speed of loading a CSV file with 16 million lines by itself.
CSV.foreach('16_million_lines.csv', headers: true).with_index do |row, index|
last_visit_at = Date.parse(row['last_visit_at'])
user_id = row['user_id'].to_i
The results are:
Time: 270.65
Memory: 19.19 MB
Let’s break the code above into smaller pieces.
Load file using CSV.foreach
CSV.foreach('16_million_lines.csv', headers: true).with_index do |row, index|
The results are:
Time: 69.1
Memory: 6.7 MB
Load CSV File using File class
The structure of our CSV file is very simple. We only have two columns. So we can take a risk and use File
class instead of CSV
File.open('16_million_lines.csv', 'r').each_line do |line|
The results are:
Time: 4.9
Memory: 15.98 MB
Higher memory consumption translated into the speed of loading.
Load data into Hash
Let’s try to create a hash with the loaded data. We will skip data parsing.
CSV.foreach('16_million_lines.csv', headers: true).with_index do |row, index|
hash[row['user_id']] = row['last_visit_at']
The results are:
Time: 152.96
Memory: 2336.32 MB
Load data into Hash using the File class
Let’s see what we get when we use File class instead of CSV class. Of course, we have to parse the CSV file ourselves, but in this case, it’s trivial.
hash = {}
File.open('16_million_lines.csv', 'r').each_line do |line|
user_id, last_visit_at = line.split(',')
hash[user_id] = last_visit_at
The results are:
Time: 38.58
Memory: 2258.76 MB
The memory consumption is similar, but the speed is much faster. It’s probably because the CSV class provides data validation. We believe the data is correct. We know that the columns are separated by a comma, and therefore we are doing a split.
Better understand own data
The important thing is that we want to store the last seen date in the database. In the first version of the implementation, the input file contains the columns user_id
and last_visit_at
. This means that we have objects of the DateTime
class as input. However, we actually need Date
Prepare CSV data sample
So let’s prepare a data sample file, but containing last_visit_on (Date class) instead of last_visit_at (DateTime class). I will assume that the dates will be randomly selected between the beginning of 2013 and the publication date of this article.
file = File.open('16_million_lines.csv', 'w')
date_range = Date.parse('2013-01-01')..Date.parse('2021-08-15')
(1..16_000_000).each do |id|
puts id if id % 10000 == 0
Note that id is always an integer. Arrays with numbers take up less memory than hashes.
Group by dates
Imagine the following example:
user_id, last_seen_on
1, 2021-08-15
2, 2019-09-21
3, 2021-08-15
4, 2020-09-20
5, 2019-09-21
If the user id is a key and data is a value, we get a hash like below:
1 => '2021-08-15',
2 => '2019-09-21',
3 => '2021-08-15',
4 => '2020-09-20',
5 => '2019-09-21'
However, we can do the opposite. Let date be the key. In this case, multiple user ids will have the same key. We can store the user ids in an array.
'2021-08-13' => [1, 3],
'2019-09-21' => [2, 5],
'2020-09-20' => [4]
We will use the File
class instead of the CSV
class to make it easier to compare to the previous results. We also need to skip the line containing the header. Here is an example code:
hash = {}
File.open('16_million_lines.csv', 'r').each_line do |line|
next if line == "user_id,last_visit_on\n"
user_id, last_visit_on = line.strip.split(',')
hash[last_visit_on] ||= []
hash[last_visit_on] << user_id.to_i
The results are:
Time: 24.31
Memory: 143.16 MB
Thanks to the change of the data structure used, it was possible to go down from 2258.76 MB to 143.16 MB.
Final implementation
In addition to reducing the size of the memory used, this method will have another advantage. User ids with the same dates can be updated in one SQL query. The more data we group, the fewer queries we make. It means that the pessimistic number of the groups created based on the dates from 2013 to 2021 is 3285 (9 years * 365 days).
I have not used the phrase “pessimistic number of queries” here, but “pessimistic number of the groups”. There will probably be more SQL queries because too large a group would lock the database. Therefore, we will have to divide individual groups into a batch of records.
hash = {}
File.open('16_million_lines.csv', 'r').each_line do |line|
next if line == "user_id,last_visit_on\n"
user_id, last_visit_on = line.strip.split(',')
hash[last_visit_on] ||= []
hash[last_visit_on] << user_id.to_i
hash.each do |last_visit_on, user_ids|
User.where(id: user_ids, last_seen_on: nil).find_in_batches do |group|
users = User.where(id: group.pluck(:id))
users.update_all(last_seen_on: last_visit_on)
The results are:
Time: 9933.15
Memory: 291.14 MB
Even though the amount of memory used has doubled, it is still a small value. Speed time is, of course, highly dependent on the inputs (groups of dates). However, it will be much faster than saving sequentially.
I’ve learned that a better understanding of a problem allows us to find a better solution. Optimizing for one parameter is not always the best solution. We should look for alternative implementations. And ask the right questions.
Use of the solution in production
Below I present the logs after launching my solution in production.
Mon Aug 16 18:57:57 CEST 2021 Task started with ID 57cd08e0dae943a5b352c138193edbaf
Mon Aug 16 18:58:44 CEST 2021 Running
Mon Aug 16 22:11:44 CEST 2021 Downloading file from S3 bucket
Mon Aug 16 22:11:44 CEST 2021 Starting a long process
Mon Aug 16 22:11:44 CEST 2021 Reading a CSV file user_last_visits_on.csv
Mon Aug 16 22:11:44 CEST 2021 Number of different dates: 2938
Mon Aug 16 22:11:44 CEST 2021 Number of data rows in input file: 17027248
Mon Aug 16 22:11:44 CEST 2021 Backfilling the last_seen_on column for users
Mon Aug 16 22:11:44 CEST 2021 Successfully completed
Mon Aug 16 22:11:44 CEST 2021 Number of users with no last_seen_on value: 4
Mon Aug 16 22:11:44 CEST 2021 Memory: 273.11 MB
Mon Aug 16 22:12:09 CEST 2021 Finished
There were exactly 17027248 rows in the CSV file representing 2938 different dates. This process took 3 hours 14 minutes 12 seconds and took 273.11 MB of RAM. It was perfectly acceptable to us.